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A fridge freezer with a 200-litre capacity holds up to 11 shopping bags of food, while models with up to a 400-litre capacity store up to 22 shopping bags of food.

If you tend to buy more fresh food than frozen, or vice versa, then there are various split types to consider when comparing your replacement options. This is the capacity split between the fridge and freezer. For example, a 70/30 split gives you 70% fridge space and 30% freezer space.

Food freshness

Most fridge freezers will circulate air evenly throughout the whole fridge, keeping every shelf at a consistent temperature. Some monitor the temperature and adjust it accordingly, and others have special compartments dedicated to keeping particular foods fresh, like salad crispers, egg trays, and dairy sections.

Frost free

Frost-free technology passes cool air evenly throughout your fridge freezer, preventing a build-up of ice.

Energy rating

Fridge freezer energy ratings range from A+++ to D, with A+++ being the most energy efficient. You can check the energy rating of your replacement options by comparing their specifications.